Secrets of Body Awareness After Social Rejection: Decide Wisely

Imagine you excitedly get dressed in your brand-new outfit for a friend’s meet-up. But when you reach there, all your friends make fun of your dress and avoid you throughout the reunion. It hurts, right? Be it being excluded from your beloved friend’s circle or being rejected by your dream company, both are painful experiences to go through. But this is not a new experience; over the countless years, as humans have evolved they have been highly focused on being accepted by people around them. Viewing this from an evolutionary perspective, social acceptance is a toolkit for survival.[1] Thus, when individuals are faced with social rejection, it is intimidating.

Your body reflects the response to various instances of social rejection. These bodily responses to social rejection can influence your decision-making. That’s why, having body awareness after social rejection and understanding how your body responds to social rejection is crucial in making better decisions. 

The Impact of Social Rejection on Body Awareness

An intriguing research conducted by Kross E. et al (2011) suggested that the neural pathways supporting the emotional aspect of physical pain have been incorporated into the brain systems that are responsible for social rejection.[2] The implication is that the same part of the brain handles the emotions we feel when we suffer through physical pain and social rejection. Experiencing social rejection can trigger several physical responses. These responses can amount to hasty and impulsive decisions. Acting out on impulses has favorable outcomes only a handful number of times. As a result, it is important to have body awareness after social rejection. 

The Physical Signs of Social Rejection

It might seem difficult to have body awareness in stressful situations of social rejections. To simplify, let’s dive into few physical signs of social rejection. With the aid of these signs you can have enhanced body awareness.

Tension and Tightness: When Your Body Speaks “No”

It is an uncomfortable place to be in when you feel rejected by people around you. Rejection threatens because it hampers one’s need for inclusion. In a situation of danger like this, the flight-or-fight response might get activated, especially for people with high sensitivity to rejection. The realization of being rejected might make you want to flee away from that place. You might go through a ride of emotions like shame, guilt, embarrassment, and anger. These psychological responses give rise to tightness in your body and elevated muscle tension. Recognition of these physical signs of social rejection can ease in having body awareness. Without body awareness, these signs may seem too alien and cause impulsivity or indecisiveness. Thus, you should be aware that your body is saying “No” to the threatening situation and decide on better responses. 

Racing Heart and Rapid Breathing: The Body’s Response to Rejection

YOU ARE REJECTED! These words fall into your ears and keep repeating in your mind. You suddenly feel out of breath as your hope shatters. Your heart beats at a faster pace than usual. These are physical responses of your body after an unwanted rejection. Iffland B. et. al. (2014) found that social rejection evokes an immediate physiological reaction like these.[3] These responses can make you feel more sensitive to the situation and lead you to take the wrong actions. In such a situation, you can employ one of the coping strategies like mindful breathing and some grounding techniques. Once you feel more settled and have higher body awareness after social rejection, you can think more clearly and make the right decisions.

Muscle Tension and Fatigue: The Body’s Cry for Help

The third secret of body awareness after social rejection is fatigue. As we already discussed how muscle tension is a byproduct of social rejection, long-term rejection can lead to intense muscle tension. The emotional turmoil that social rejection brings in, consumes extra energy. The mind and body have a fascinating connection, each affecting the other. This mind-body connection can lead an individual to experience fatigue after facing social rejection. This is the third physical sign of the body when it’s aching due to social rejection. This sign is very important in body awareness because it may breed on your productivity. Lesser productivity or lousy habits can lead to increased social rejection. Thus, having an awareness of your body after a social rejection can help you take the right steps toward personal growth. Such effective decision-making will help you grow out of the social rejection with optimum body awareness.

Physical Signs of Social Rejection

Build Confidence and Emotional Resilience Through Body Awareness

Whether you’re going through a social rejection or exclusion, being aware of your bodily responses will help you cope better. Once you observe and understand how your body is reacting to the social stressors, you can work on them. Social rejection isn’t something anyone would want to experience, right? But with self-awareness, you can turn this defeat into a weapon! Understanding how body responses will help you have more control over them. And with great power comes not only great responsibility but also great confidence! Body awareness gives you more control over your body which works in confidence building. 

Other than this, going through stressful events builds you into a person who has more control over your own emotions too. Looking beyond this rejection, you can identify the areas to work on yourself that contribute to being emotionally resilient. Social rejection isn’t always a bad thing; rather it can lead to your growth.

The next time you are in a situation of social rejection, you have more awareness of how your body is going to react. Your self-confidence and emotional resilience will help you take the rejection less personally, and more constructively. Additionally, you would have effective coping strategies to manage your bodily responses alongside body awareness after social rejection. Talking about the strategies, let’s take a look at some strategies that will contribute to better decisions.

Strategies for Better Decision-making After Social Rejection

In the desperation for social acceptance, it is quite likely your decision-making capabilities may fall weak. The tendency to act on impulse or choose the wrong option may increase. Let’s take a quick look at a few effective strategies for better decision-making after social rejection.

Mindfulness and Self-awareness: The Key to Better Decisions

Social rejection may bring out various emotions like guilt, shame, and embarrassment. And you may spiral down into countless thoughts like “Why me?” “Am I that bad?” and on and on… Such a disturbed state of mind will lead to more biased decisions which might not be the best. But practicing mindfulness can pull breaks on such thoughts which don’t help you. Whereas it will bring you back to the present, which you have control over. Mindfulness is the practice of being more aware of your present – your surroundings, current feelings, sensations, etc. Mindfulness will help you be more present in the ‘now’ than dwelling on to past feelings of rejection. After employing these strategies you will have a more neutral stance. This resulting stability is the key to better decisions. 

Coping Strategies: How to Manage Stress and Anxiety

As already explored, social rejection is a threatening experience. This experience can lead to elevated levels of stress and anxiety. Recall the last time you were socially rejected and how stressful you felt. How anxious do you feel after you aren’t accepted socially? It’s important to remember that it is natural to feel this way. However, for effective decision-making, stress management and reducing anxiety are crucial. People deem practices like deep breathing and meditation helpful in managing stress and minimizing anxiety. Physical exercise and body movement not only aid in stress management and anxiety reduction but promote overall personal growth.

The next time you are in a situation of social rejection, you have more awareness of how your body is going to react. Your self-confidence and emotional resilience will help you take the rejection less personally, and more constructively. Additionally, you would have effective coping strategies to manage your bodily responses alongside body awareness after social rejection. Talking about the strategies, let’s take a look at some strategies that will contribute to better decisions.

Psychological Recovery and Personal Growth: The Path to Better Decisions

Talking about the negative side of rejection, may not always help in your personal growth. Some social rejections might leave a scar on you. But there is always something to learn from every rejection! So ask yourself, what did you learn from this experience? Also, try to be more compassionate towards yourself. Practicing self-care will help you heal psychologically. Being in the pursuit of personal growth and psychological recovery and enhancement is a continuous process. It helps you be a better person than what you were. These learnings will contribute to a better decision-making process after social rejection. 

Well, turning to the positive side (as there always is), social rejection, serves as a strong tool for personal growth. Social rejection is a kind of rejection or exclusion, and any type of rejection always opens doors to improvement. You learn what part needs more work and helps you improve yourself. Or else it also helps understand what kind of social environment you want to be in. Eventually, it helps you take a step further in your personal growth journey. And this journey leads you to a path of better decisions. 


Coming to the end, now you know the secrets of body awareness after social rejection! With the use of these, you can handle social rejections better. Our body and mind have a close connection. Your emotions and feelings are reflected in your body. Understanding how they interact with each other during social rejection will help you become a better decision-maker.


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