How to Make Proactive Decisions Living with Dementia in 2024
Living with dementia or caring for someone who does can sometimes feel like you are going nowhere. It is tough to see the world change for someone you love or experience those changes yourself. So, what exactly is happening when dementia enters the picture? You may or may not have realized this but it does affect the brain and its decision-making capabilities. In today’s discussion, let’s talk about how to make proactive decisions living with Dementia by understanding how it impacts the ability to make decisions. Here’s what’s covered ahead: Understanding Dementia and Decision-Making Adaptive Decision-Making Techniques Creating a Dementia-Friendly Lifestyle Proactive Dementia Planning Enhancing Quality of Life with Dementia Let’s find the best ways to enhance the quality of life and get more clarity and support each day! Understanding Dementia and Decision-Making Dementia is more like an umbrella term that covers a wide range of medical conditions which also includes Alzhei...