9 Practical Advantages of Intuition in Decision Making
Intuition is that little voice in your head which whispers ‘umbrella’ when the forecast says ‘sunshine’. Intuition is the capability to understand a commodity artificially, without the need for conscious logic. Sometimes, we call it a “gut feeling” or a “hunch” that influences our opinions. But how dependable is Intuition? What are the benefits of using it in decision making? According to some experts, Intuition is not a mystical or illogical miracle, but a natural and essential part of mortal cognition. Intuition originates from our experiences and feelings which helps us understand complicated things quickly and very well. In fact, Intuition can offer numerous advantages over rational analysis, especially in situations where time is limited, data is deficient, or the query is high. Today, we will discuss 9 practical advantages of Intuition in decision making with some examples and analysis.
1. Intuition is Faster than Logic
One of the most egregious advantages of Intuition in decision making is that it is faster than logic.[1] When we use logical arguments or logic, we need to gather, estimate and compare substantiation. After that, we weigh the pros and cons and then only we draw conclusions based on data and rules. This sometimes becomes a lengthy and tedious process, especially when we have to deal with a lot of information or variables. Often, we even don’t make a decision when over-analyzing the situation with our logic. Intuition, on the other hand, allows us to make opinions in a split second. We even don’t have to go through any rational analysis. Intuition is based on our subconscious recognition of patterns, parallels and associations. It lets us reach conclusions quickly, without thinking too hard. This can be really handy in fast-moving situations, like emergencies or competitions.

Understand the effectiveness of this advantage in a real-life situation:
Carol and Dave work, as detectives. Are currently involved in investigating a murder case. They have a suspect in mind. They require additional evidence to establish his culpability. To gather information they decide to conduct an interrogation. Carol, being a thinker meticulously prepares a set of questions based on the facts and clues they have gathered far. Yet, Dave relies on his intuition rather than following a specific plan. Together they enter the interrogation room and commence questioning the suspect. Carol focuses on topics such as his alibi, motive, relationship with the victim and other pertinent details. She aims to detect any inconsistencies or falsehoods in his responses by employing reasoning techniques.
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Meanwhile, Dave takes an approach; he closely observes the suspect, for any signs of nervousness, guilt or fear while also attempting to gauge his emotions and intentions. He uses intuition and empathy to read his mind. After a while, Carol and Dave leave the room. Carol says she is not sure if the suspect is guilty or not. She says she needs more time to analyze his answers and compare them with the evidence. Dave says he is sure he is guilty. He says he felt it in his bones and saw it in his eyes. He says he heard it in his voice. Carol is skeptical. She asks Dave how he can be so sure. Dave says he cannot explain it, he just knows it. 🕵️♂️
The story highlights how intuition, relying on subconscious sensing rather than conscious reasoning, can outpace logic in speed. Intuition proves more effective, especially in situations lacking sufficient data or time for logical judgment. Now, let’s delve into its other advantages!
2. Intuition is more Creative than Logic
Another advantage of Intuition in decision making is that it is further creative than logic.[2] Sometimes, when we decide our opinions and perspectives based on logic, it depends on knowledge, rules and principles, and thus it can limit our options. Logic can also lead us to follow conventional wisdom, morals and prospects, which can stifle our invention and originality.[3] Intuition, on the other hand, is grounded on our imagination and gut feelings. Thus, it can expand our possibilities and perceptivity. Intuition can help us induce new ideas, results and druthers, that logic may not be suitable to produce. Intuition can also help us break free from internal blocks, impulses, and hypotheticals, that logic may not be suitable to overcome.
See a real-life situation to understand the creativeness when using Intuition:
Grace and Harry are musicians. They are composing a song together. They have to create a melody that matches the lyrics they have written. Grace is a logical thinker, while Harry is an intuitive one. Grace decides to follow the rules of music theory and to use standard chords and scales to create the melody. She writes down the notes and the rhythm and plays them on her piano. She uses logic and reason to guide her creativity. Harry decides to ignore the rules of music theory and to use his own feelings and instincts to create the melody. He does not write down anything, he just sings along with the lyrics. He uses intuition and emotion to drive his creativity.
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After a few minutes, they play their melodies to each other. Grace’s melody is pleasant and catchy, but it is also familiar and boring. Harry’s melody is surprising and original, but it is also discordant and confusing. Grace and Harry appreciate each other’s work, but they also feel that something is missing. They decide to combine their melodies and add their own touch to them. Grace adds some variations and some transitions to Harry’s melody. This makes it more coherent and smooth. Harry adds some harmonies and some accents to Grace’s melody to make it more expressive and rich. They listen to their melodies again and they became delightful. They have created something new and unique. The combination of both logic and intuition reflects their own and each other’s musical style. 🎵
We saw how intuition beats logic in creativity, exploring new ideas without relying on rules. It shines when options are many, and outcomes uncertain. Now, onto the third advantage of intuition!

3. Intuition is more Holistic than Logic
A third advantage of Intuition in decision making is that it’s further holistic than logic.[4] Logic is grounded on direct and successional thinking, which can scrap and insulate information. Sense can also concentrate on the details and specifics, which can obscure the big picture and the environment. Intuition, on the other hand, is based on nonlinear and resemblant thinking, which can integrate and synthesize information. Intuition can also concentrate on the substance and the meaning, which can reveal the connections and the counteraccusations. It can help us see the whole system, the connections and the patterns, that logic may not be suitable to capture.
4. Intuition is more Flexible than Logic
A fourth advantage of Intuition in decision making is that it’s more flexible than sense. Logic operates with fixed and rigid rules, which can limit our options and creativity. Logic can also be told by external factors, similar as social pressure, prospects and morals, which can compromise our autonomy and authenticity. Conversely, Intuition relies on flexible principles that adapt to changing situations. Intuition can also be told by internal factors, similar as values, pretensions and preferences, which can enhance our tone expression and tone determination. Intuition can help us make opinions that are more aligned with our true characters, our requirements and our bournes.[5] Logic may not be suitable to support this.
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5. Intuition is more Intuitive than Logic
A fifth advantage of Intuition in decision making is that it’s further intuitive than sense.[6] Logic is based on rational and objective standards, which can feel impersonal and distant. Logic can also be delicate to communicate and explain, especially to those who don’t partake the same sense or perspective. Intuition, on the other hand, is grounded on emotional and private criteria, which can be particular and engaging. It can also be easy to communicate and understand, especially to those who partake in the same Intuition or feeling. Intuition can lead us to conclusions that are more appealing, decisive and fulfilling, which logic might not always achieve.

6. Intuition is more Dependable than Logic
A sixth advantage of Intuition in decision making is that it’s further dependable than sense.[7] Sense is grounded on factual and empirical substantiation, which can be inaccurate, deficient, or outdated. Logic or sense can also be prone to crimes, impulses, and fallacies, which can distort and mislead our judgments. Then again, Intuition is based on existential and wordless knowledge, which can be valid, comprehensive and current. Intuition can also be vulnerable to crimes, impulses, and fallacies, which can enhance and ameliorate our judgments. Intuition can help us make opinions that are more accurate, harmonious and effective, but that sense may not be suitable to guarantee.
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7. Intuition is further Fun than Logic
A seventh advantage of Intuition in decision making is that it’s further fun than sense. Logic is grounded on logical and critical thinking, which can be boring and stressful. Logic can also be demanding and exhausting, which can deplete our energy and provocation. Intuition, on the contrary, is grounded on sportful and intuitive thinking, which can be pleasurable and instigative.[8] Intuition can also be stimulating and amping, which can boost our energy and provocation. Intuition can help us make opinions that are more delightful, satisfying, and fulfilling, that sense may not be suitable to offer.
8. Intuition holds more Empowerment than Logic in Decision Making
While logic draws from objective sources that can undermine our confidence intuition derives its strength from subjective sources that bolster our self assurance.[9] Unlike logic, which can be influenced or controlled by others leading to limitations on our freedom intuition remains independent and autonomous expanding our freedom instead. It enables us to make decisions that are empowering, liberating and inspiring, in ways that logic may not offer.[10]

9. Intuition is more Human than Logic
One of the advantages of intuition, in decision making is that it feels more human compared to logic.[11] Logic relies on mechanical processes, which can make us feel alienated and less connected. It can come across as cold and impersonal distancing us from others. In contrast, intuition is rooted in organic processes, which brings a sense of humanity and personalization. Intuition has a personal nature that fosters connection and bonding with others. It allows us to make decisions that are human, compassionate and harmonious—something that logic might struggle to achieve.
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The advantages of Intuition in decision making cannot be ignored or deprioritized. But, we must be aware of the fact that intuition can also be wrong or misled. So, it is not always better than logic. That’s why it’s not a good idea to completely rely on intuition or gut feeling. Logic can help us validate, refine or challenge our intuition. Intuition can help us generate, inspire or simplify our logic. Since intuition can also be random or messy, it cannot be always trusted blindly. Therefore, both intuition and logic are important and complementary skills that we can use in different situations. We hope this comprehensive article helps you understand the advantages of Intuition and its uses. Keep visiting Learnreal.in for more articles of this type. If you have any queries, let us know in the comments. Thanks for reading!!!
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